A Message to the Dream Maker...

Dear Dream Maker

This is how we think you can fix broken dreams:
Use the magic, put in lots of colour, put in sunlight, sprinkle lots of magic glitter and you use you're imagination.  Make shapes with your body: a spiral, then a heart and then a star, You mix the ingredient's together, then knit it.

That is how we think you can fix broken dreams.    

From Room 8


  1. It was fun wearing the Cloak of Dreams. Samara

  2. Dear Room 8
    My assistant, Doc, tells me you did a wonderful job helping again with the dream problems people are having. Thank you for that and also letting me know how you got the dreams off the cloth and back to the little girl who had lost them. I appreciate so much your hard work. I so enjoyed watching how you did it all on your blog.
    best wishes for the holidays...The Dream Maker

  3. Thank you for the comment. We all loved doing the clock of dreams from Room 8. Demmy

  4. We really liked doing the dancing part. We hope you come back again. Pearl

  5. Thank you for coming to room8 Freeville school Chistchurch to teach us about chapter2 and chapter3.From Dru

  6. To the Dream Maker thank you for the comment, but why are you called the Dream Maker? from Samara

  7. To the Dream Maker thank you for your comment. We enjoyed helping the girl. It was fun. I hope we can meet you. Jemma

  8. Do you own the cloak of dreams? Dream Maker. Jackson


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