Digital Pet Day: Angus my Dog

Angus plays fetch with the stick and he can do tricks.  I take him for walks.

I throw his dog roll up in the air and he catches it and eats it.  Angus is black, but some of his fur is a wee bit of brown.  He is white too.  Some of his paws are white and some are black.

In the earthquake Angus fell into a drain by the footpath.  We had to help him get out and he's still alive.  He now has a cut on his tummy.  He's a wee bit sad because of his cut and the earthquake.

Angus is cute!


  1. Angus is cute. He can do tricks. I have seen him run really fast and he can catch a ball in the air. Demmy

  2. sorry angus fell down the drain caleb by neco

  3. Angus I think was very lucky. I hope that he gets better soon. That must have been very scary for him. Elizabeth


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