My Treasures: Dragons, Family & Pets

These are my treasures.

My Dragons:  I keep my dragon collection on a shelf.  I have so many dragons at home that if fills up my two shelves.  I like to pat them because they feel spiky and nice.  I keep them as pretend pets.  I think they look cool!
The dragon in the egg is a memory from Tina (a teacher at my school), she gave this to me and it's one of my favourites.
The big green dragon on the left was the first dragon I got.
My family and crystals are treasures for me.  I have two fossils, one shell one and one creature one.  The creature one is my favourite because it has crystals and is a creature as well.  It took me 25 minutes to choose this fossil because there were lots of crystals and fossils to buy.

The creature looks like a snail that is read and has tentacles.
My tiger is a treasure to me and it has a story behind it, my Aunty Carolyn thought I was called "Sumatra," so she got me a Sumatran tiger!  He is called 'Tiger.'


  1. your teddy looks cuddly Samara.Neco

  2. The is a very cool blog Samara. I have a matching tiger to your one and he is a treasure to me just like you are!!
    Love Aunty Carolyn xx


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