Honeybees Learning Celebration...

Making the posters...
Honeybees have flown into the classroom...
I wonder if the honeybees are looking for nectar?
For sale…cupcakes…soap…seeds for bees...
The honeybees are buzzing off the table...
The Bee quiz!  Who passed the quiz?

Honeybee Logo Designs...

Making Bee shaped soap...

Honey tasting...

Nicholas: 'I like the High Peak honey.'  Lily: 'The Manuka honey is yummy!'
Summer: 'The Manuka honey is really healthy.'  Maliyah: 'My favorite type of honey is Beech Forest honey, it tastes delicious!'  Leyam: 'I like the comb honey because it is sweet!'
Nathan: 'My favorite was the natural comb honey because it was sugary.'  
Chloe & Charlotte: 'I didn't like the honey because it was too strong and minty.'

What plants do honeybees like?

Just like you prefer to eat an apple instead of a banana honeybees like plants that are rich in nectar.  Click here for more plants that bees like.

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