Up Close with a Honeybee...
Can you see the pollen? Honey bees are V.I.P's. That means very important pollinators. Guess how many wings are on a honey bee... |
Honeybee can see in UV. Click here to see how bees find flowers... |
This honeybee has chewed wings because of varroa mite. The varroa mite sucks their blood and they get diseases! |
Honeybee Garden...
Room 6 planted flowers for the bee garden because we love honey bees. This is why we planted a bee garden.
Honeybees are in danger so plant for bees!
Room 6 loves honey, so please help the honeybees. Plant flowers that honeybees like. Honeybees like lavender, camellia's and lemon trees.
We planted lavender, sage, oregano, cat mint, sunflowers, cosmos and seeds for bees. We watered the gar dent, that's why it grows. Room 6 love Honeybees! From Summer and Lily.
The seeds for bees have germinated! |
Ouruhia Nursery...
Chloe, Charlotte and Nathan went to Ouruhia nursery to get flowers for our bee garden. These are the flowers we brought from the nursery Oregano, Lavender, Sage and Cat mint. We were going to get peaches, but we forgot to get them.
We went across the road and we took some photos of bees and beehives. Chloe took some video footage.
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