Looking for circles....

What things did you find that measured 2 cm or less in diameter?  What did you find that measured 60 cm or more in diameter?

Hunting for circles...

We went round the school looking for circles.  We found lots of circles. We found a lock we thought it was 5cm but it was 4cm.  We found some nails we thought they were 0.5cm but it was really 1cm.

Then we went to the clock face centre, beside the scooter ramps.  We thought it was 5cm, but it was 13cm.  We looked at the tyres and we thought that they were 50cm, but they were 57cm.

Then we found a concrete circle we thought it was 30cm, but it was 31cm. Then there was a metal screw we found we thought it 2cm and we were right!

Finding Circles...

On Monday morning our teacher Miss K told our class to get into groups of three. We had to find circles and measure them. The smallest circle was a magnet. We guessed that it was 10cm, but we measured it and it was 4cm. The biggest circle we found was a circle on the court. We thought it was 24cm, but it was 92cm. We found 12 circles.

Measuring circles...

Today we went round the school measuring all sorts of things.  We were measuring the diameter of circles.  But we were using the wrong side of the tape measure, we were measuring in inches.  We had lots of fun running around the school.




Measuring circles for maths...

Today we went outside to measure circles. The biggest circle we measured was a giant clock on the front court, we guessed 200cm but it was 304cm.  Our smallest circle we measured was a cupboard lock, we guessed 4cm but it was 5cm.


In school on Monday we did measurements.  We measured poles, tyres and heaps of other things round the school.

What is the diameter of a frisbee?

We thought the tyre was 63cm but it was 64cm.

What is the diameter of this frisbee?
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