The Amazing Place Ceremony...

On Thursday our Year 4's went to a ceremony. There were acrobats, a joker, Carrot the clown,  a girl on a no handle bike and cupcakes too!!! The ceremony was for the amazing playground that heaps of schools entered. Guess what we won.....first place our year group. We won eight hundred dollars.  Four hundred dollars for the the class.  So that's $100 each for Haley, Ruth, Oakley and Kiara. We got a photo with Prime Minister John Key and shook his hand. After the prizes we got lunch boxes with a bread roll, crackers, grapes, carrot sticks, a twisty thing with bacon and sushi. Then we hopped on the bus and went back to school.  We felt proud!

Click here to see Mrs Bourke's Amazing footage of the ceremony.

Jayden eating a delicious the awards ceremony.
Collecting our prize from Prime Minister John Key.

We are so proud...
Press play to watch the awards ceremony or click here.

Amazing Place Winners Announced from CCDU on Vimeo.

Our Amazing Playground - Our Year 4 entry is a finalist!

Haley, Ruth, Oakley and Kiara designed and created an animal themed can watch their presentation below.  Their entry was entered into The Amazing Place competition and they made it into the finals!  This is very exciting.  They will be going to the awards ceremony next Thursday to fine out if they got first or second place.

Triangles from maths

In maths we have been learning to make triangles out of pretzels and these are the some of the ways to do some triangles with pretzels. One triangle was called the equilateral triangle. These are the things you might like to do with your pretzels. We have been doing it for two days and we had to get a piece of paper and then Elizabeth said draw triangles. After we finished making the triangle out of pretzels Elizabeth came around and asked what was the same and different about the triangles. She wanted us to make this triangle called equilateral out of pretzels.

What is the name of this triangle?  How do you know?

Pretzel triangles

For maths we learnt about different types of triangles. There were three triangles that were named isosceles, scalene and the equilateral triangle. We used pretzels to make the triangles and got to eat them too!! Then we traced them with the pretzels onto a piece of paper. When we were done we glued it into our maths books and that was the end of our lesson.

Tomatoes Galore...

These were the two largest tomatoes grown in my garden.  How much do you think they both weigh?

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