My Cat Woody...

My cat is Woody and she was seventeen years old. He got this name because of an old TV show called 'Cheers' and the to main characters were Sam and Woody. They were brothers and so were our cats. 

Woody got stolen in February 1994 and taken to Bromley. My mum was on her honeymoon.  When they got back the the people that were helping thought that she was a boy because she was ginger and her name is a bit boyish.  My Mum rang up a few vets and we got her back.  Woody had a favourite spot on the edge of the couch in the sun.  She loved being warm.

Woody died in 2011 because of kidney failure.  I miss her, so so much!


  1. Im sorry to hear that your cat died in 2011 I reael lly sad even thow it wasn't my pet but I still feel sad.


  2. Woody looks so cute!! I think you look alike.


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