Clove perfume
Four week’s ago we put cloves and Isopropyl (100% Alcohol) in a test tube, and we left it for four weeks. Then we got the cloves out and it was all stuck together. It took a little while to get them out, like about ten seconds. We got some filter paper and made it into a cone and then we poured the cloves and liquid in the cone. There was a little hole so the alcohol went into the flask. There was four cloves and fifty mills of alcohol. The liquid smelt of cloves. ;We put some on our wrist. The whole classroom smelled of cloves. We could still smell some Isopropyl we needed to put more cloves in next time.
Balloon fun
On the 28th of April Room 5 had a ballontastic day. We where seeing if it was possible to blow up a ballon with carbon dioxide. The balloons started to blow themselves up (with the help of carbon dioxide). The experiment was fantastic. The whole class managed to blow up their balloons.
Thematic 2010
Planet 51 drink
On Friday the 23d of April Mrs K made a green drink called Planet 51. Her one tasted disgusting because she put too much baking soda in it. I was in a group with Connie, Rochelle and Katelyn. When we made ours it was delicious because we put only one teaspoon of baking soda, 8 or 5 teaspoons of icing sugar, 2 small lemons and 2 drops of orange food coloring. It tasted like lemonade and a bit like lemon.
Here is the method
You will need:
2 teaspoons of lemon
5-8 tea spoons of icing sugar
1 teaspoon of baking soda
food coloring
water (BUT not too much water)
1. Get everything ready.
2. Put food coloring in.
3. Put baking soda in with the water.
4. Squeeze all lemons and put juice into the water.
5. Put baking soda in.
6. Stir well and taste.
Thematic 2010
Planet 51 juice
On friday our class had to make a Planet 51 drink. It was so sour! It was the worst lemon juice I have ever tasted. It had too much baking soda in it and that is what it tasted like. Then we got into groups and made our own lemon juice. We put in 4 teaspoons of lemon juice and only 1 teaspoon of baking soda. It was much better it tasted like lemon juice.
Thematic 2010
Balloon test
I liked the balloon test where we had a competition. We needed: vinegar, baking soda, a balloon and a flask. First we put the vinegar in the flask. Then we put the soda in the balloon. You then put the balloon on the flask and hang the balloon, so the soda can go into the vinegar. Then you shake it. The balloon inflates because of the gas carbon dioxide. It can't get out, so it blows up the balloon. I have got one question: What if we put more vinegar (up to the top) and then we put in about 6 tablespoons of baking soda.
Thematic 2010
Fun with cornflour!
On Thursday the 22nd of April my class, Room 5, made a gooey substance. The only different variable was that one pot was going to be heated and the other was going to be left at room temperature. Both pots were stirred with a wooden spoon, they both had the same ingredients and the ingredients were poured in at the same time.
I predicted the pot left at room temperature was going to turn into obleck. Obleck is a substance that is runny, but when you squeeze it, it becomes hard. It is an interesting substance. I was the time keeper because we were going to measure it every minute. The first experiment was a complete disaster because Ms K used icing sugar instead of cornflour! It was a great laugh. No one noticed for 3 minutes. We had to empty both of the pot's contents and clean them out. Then it was take two!
In the second attempt we got it right. We put cornflour in both of the pots. After about 2-3 minutes the one on the heat started to get a few blobs in it. It was too hot to touch. Then at four minutes it was kind of turning into slime or something! After 5 minutes Ms K picked it up on the fork and some fell off. I managed to catch some on my finger. It was gooey, slimey and hot. My question is:What would happen if we put three cups of cornflour in, instead of half a cup, and kept the water the same?
Thematic 2010
The most bubbles
Today in scenic we mixed lemon baking soda lemon baking sugar food colouring and water. Me and my group had put every thing in but baking soda and lemon. So my group put in the baking soda and lemon in the jug and it over flood with bubbles. We found out that when you mix sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), with the lemon juice it forms carbon dioxide.
Thematic 2010
What happened when I tried to mix oil and water together?
Well it started when we could try and make oil and water mix together. I decided to do it so Ms K gave me the jar wich was full of water and oil together. When I started shaking it everybody was encouraging me to shake harder, but that was as hard as I could. When I finished it looked like it had mixed! But then Lucan said it wasn't mixed because he could see some water. The water and oil was starting to go apart. Then Jack had a go and that didn't work! By putting in some dishwash liquid we got the oil and water to mix together.
Thematic 2010
Making Drinks
Today in class we were doing science experiments. First Ms K made a drink and it tasted disgusting because there was lots of baking soda! So then we divided into groups and our task was to make the best tasting drink or the one that had the most bubbles. My group didn't use any baking soda, so we didn't have any bubbles. Ours tasted very nice!
We added about four tablespoons of icing sugar, juice of a whole lemon and five drops of red food colouring. Next, I would like to try making the perfect drink! One for sweet tongues and one for sour tongues.
Thematic 2010
Does it matter it if we use water instead of milk?
We got all the stuff we needed and started the experiment.
This is what we used: A bowl, 50ml of water, eye dropper, food colouring and dishwash detergent.
We predicted that when we added the detergent it would move like the milk did. So we added 50ml of water to the bowl and added 4 drops of food colouring. Then we added the detergent and the food colouring sunk to the bottom! We even tried adding more drops of detergent and it still didn't move! So our conclusion was food colouring doesn't move in water. Our test was fair because we added the right amount of food colouring.
Thematic 2010
Science Alive forensic fun
On Friday the 26th March Room 5 went to Science Alive for forensic science. We had to do a cluster of fun work. First the class did an experiment about fingerprints. We had do find out who was in the crime scene the first suspects were Buster, Byron, Merceedes and Susan.
Thematic 2010
Does it matter if we use different detergent?
We predicted that the milk would do the same thing, make the food colouring move. It didn't matter what colour dishwash you used. First, we accidentally put the detergent in each bowl of milk at different times. That was not fair because one got a head start to do something. We poured this into the sink. Then we had to do it all over again. We put in the dishwash liquids at the same time. One dishwash was green and one was yellow. They both did something different. The milk with the yellow dishwashing liquid started to dance first. The yellow dishwash was the cheapest. We used trim milk.
Would the same thing happen if we used cream? Would it work if we used orange juice? What would happen if you used trim milk and cream together? Look at the picture the bowl on the right has the yellow dishwash liquid. The food colouring is moving faster.

Thematic 2010
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